Threads Of Grace
Welcome to Threads of Grace, produced in partnership with God's Way Radio. We invite you to listen in as different women share their heartfelt stories. Throughout these conversations, we’ll see God’s faithfulness connecting us to each other and to Himself. We hope you are encouraged to search out God’s word and to connect with other believers, as Christ continues to weave together your life’s story. Be sure to follow us. Visit https://www.godswayradio.com/threadsofgrace for more information.
38 episodes
From Diagnosis to Baptism
How do you hold onto the Lord when a trial not only affects you, but something even dearer to your heart- your child? Teresa shares her Beauty for Ashes testimony regarding the ongoing health crisis of her youngest son. She remi...
Season 4
Episode 3

From Addiction to Praise
Ever been bound under such a heavy weight that all hope was lost only to have the Lord break the chains in your darkest hour? As Threads of Grace continues with Beauty for Ashes, we give God the glory as only He can tak...
Season 4
Episode 2

From Hospitals to Sufficient Grace
Ever sought and pleaded for understanding, only to have the Lord grant something better — His peace? In our first official episode for Season 4 Beauty for Ashes, Erika shares her testimony of sufficient grace during a great health tria...
Season 4
Episode 1

Beauty for Ashes - Season 4 Preview
This preview episode for Threads of Grace Season 4, introduces our theme “Beauty for Ashes.” This program is part of the ministry of God’s Way Radio, and it is truly a joy and a blessed privilege to present this season. We’re going to hav...
Season 4

2023 Ladies Retreat - Session 3
This episode concludes the Calvary Chapel Miami 2023 Ladies' Retreat. Bev Ramirez wraps up the study through Psalm 139 with her message titled, "He is For You."

2023 Ladies Retreat - Q&A
Listen as some pastors wives respond to questions at the 2023 Ladies' Retreat.

2023 Ladies Retreat - Session 2
This episode, part of Threads of Grace: Bible Studies, continues with the 2023 Ladies' Retreat hosted by Calvary Chapel Miami. Let's join in Session 2 as Bev Ramirez teaches through Psalm 139, with her message titled, "He is With You."...

2023 Ladies Retreat - Session 1
As we wait for the next season of Threads of Grace live episodes to be released, we wanted to share this ToG Bible Study episode with you. In this first session of the Calvary Chapel Miami 2023 Fall Ladies' Retreat, Beve...

Virtues - Finale
As we close out Season 3, Jean McClure blesses us with her words and presence. She joyfully shares the ways Calvary Chapel began. In comparing our times with those of the early days of the movement, she mentions that our culture is not unlike t...
Season 3
Episode 8

Virtues - Purity
We see in scripture how the Lord honors purity. He commands the tabernacle furnishings to be covered in pure gold, the sacrificial animals to be pure with no defects, and the lives of believers to be pure. Th...
Season 3
Episode 7

Virtues - Humility
Join us for this look into "Humility" with Christy Quinlan. So often the interpersonal difficulties many believers can face are rooted in selfishness and pride. The good news is that as we look to Jesus, we can learn from Him what it means to w...
Season 3
Episode 6

Virtues - Self-Discipline
When life offers a morally compromising shortcut to a virtuous woman, what does she do? Amy Anguelo shares the biblical definition of discipline and self-control along with the proper perspective on the importance of these virtues. Join the con...
Season 3
Episode 5

Virtues - Patience
We’ve probably all heard the saying: patience is a virtue. But what the Bible teaches is infinitely more encouraging! Psalm 27:14 reminds us to “Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I sa...
Season 3
Episode 4

Virtues - Faithfulness
As we think of the virtue of Faithfulness, perhaps you remember the beautiful hymn, “Great is Thy Faithfulness.” The chorus is based on Lamentations 3 verses 22 through 23 “Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions...
Season 3
Episode 3

Virtues - Wisdom
As we discuss the value of the Virtue of Wisdom this episode, we can’t help but notice how valuable it is to the Lord that He devotes an entire Book of the Bible to its study. Easton's Bible Dictionary defines wisdom as a moral rather than ...
Season 3
Episode 2

Virtues - Honesty
“What is truth?” This same question which Pilate asked Jesus, who is the way, the truth and the life, is still being asked by many today. During this episode, Rachel Varas joins the ToG team for a conversation on the importance of H...
Season 3
Episode 1

Virtues - Season 3 Preview
In Proverbs 31:10, Solomon writes, "Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies." Threads of Grace-Season 3 focuses on VIRTUE. During this preview episode our host shares on the importance, the ...
Season 3

Crowning Joy - Session 4
This episode concludes the Calvary Chapel Miami 2022 Ladies Seminar. Liz Hargraves jumps back into the book of Esther. We learn about God’s perfect timing in the life and account of Esther. Her hardships and battles paved the way for God’...

Crowning Joy - Session 3
As Liz Hargraves continues to share during the 2022 Ladies Seminar hosted by Calvary Chapel Miami, she pauses the study through Esther to focus on JOY. We’ll learn about God’s character through in His word. Let's grow in being anchored in...

Crowning Joy - Session 2
This episode, part of Threads of Grace: Bible Studies, continues with the 2022 Ladies Seminar hosted by Calvary Chapel Miami. In this teaching, Liz Hargraves shares from the book of Esther. Liz, visiting from Calvary Chapel Hudso...

Crowning Joy - Session 1
As we wait for the next season of Threads of Grace live episodes to be released, we wanted to share this ToG Bible Study episode from the Calvary Chapel Miami 2022 Ladies' Seminar with you. In this first session, senior pastor's wife, ...

With two seasons released, the ToG team gets together for this special two-hour episode. We'll hear the stories of how the Lord confirmed being a part of this ministry, highlight clips, and a sneak peak at the seasons to come! Let's join ...

The Church - Season Finale
As Threads of Grace wraps up Season 2 on the church, we are joined by Liz and Grace Hargraves. In an age where society has deemed church attendance as less than essential, how do believers apply the command in Hebrews 10:25 to ...
Season 2
Episode 7