Threads Of Grace
Welcome to Threads of Grace, produced in partnership with God's Way Radio. We invite you to listen in as different women share their heartfelt stories. Throughout these conversations, we’ll see God’s faithfulness connecting us to each other and to Himself. We hope you are encouraged to search out God’s word and to connect with other believers, as Christ continues to weave together your life’s story. Be sure to follow us. Visit https://www.godswayradio.com/threadsofgrace for more information.
Threads Of Grace
Virtues - Self-Discipline
When life offers a morally compromising shortcut to a virtuous woman, what does she do? Amy Anguelo shares the biblical definition of discipline and self-control along with the proper perspective on the importance of these virtues. Join the conversation as the ToG team discusses how to grow in following Christ’s example of a Spirit-led life rather than a flesh-filled existence.