Threads Of Grace
Welcome to Threads of Grace, produced in partnership with God's Way Radio. We invite you to listen in as different women share their heartfelt stories. Throughout these conversations, we’ll see God’s faithfulness connecting us to each other and to Himself. We hope you are encouraged to search out God’s word and to connect with other believers, as Christ continues to weave together your life’s story. Be sure to follow us. Visit https://www.godswayradio.com/threadsofgrace for more information.
Threads Of Grace
Virtues - Honesty
“What is truth?”
This same question which Pilate asked Jesus, who is the way, the truth and the life, is still being asked by many today. During this episode, Rachel Varas joins the ToG team for a conversation on the importance of Honesty and Integrity in our lives. We see in Jesus’ prayer found in John 17:17, "Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth," that the essential foundation for truth and therefore every virtue is the Word of God- the Bible. We'll also gather practical ways to apply the truths of God's Word, to increase in honesty, and to grow in being virtuous women.