Threads Of Grace
Welcome to Threads of Grace, produced in partnership with God's Way Radio. We invite you to listen in as different women share their heartfelt stories. Throughout these conversations, we’ll see God’s faithfulness connecting us to each other and to Himself. We hope you are encouraged to search out God’s word and to connect with other believers, as Christ continues to weave together your life’s story. Be sure to follow us. Visit https://www.godswayradio.com/threadsofgrace for more information.
Threads Of Grace
Virtues - Wisdom
As we discuss the value of the Virtue of Wisdom this episode, we can’t help but notice how valuable it is to the Lord that He devotes an entire Book of the Bible to its study. Easton's Bible Dictionary defines wisdom as a moral rather than an intellectual quality. True wisdom is a gift from God to those who ask it. Throughout Proverbs, wisdom may be regarded not as just a mere personification of the attribute of wisdom, but as a divine person, "Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God." Let’s listen in as we are encouraged to grow in wisdom and discernment!
- This episode is especially dear to us who serve in Threads of Grace and God's Way Radio. Our guest was beautiful Isel, the late wife of Calvary Chapel Miami's founding pastor, Razz Vazquez. Wisdom was her life's theme! We praise the Lord that we were able to record this glimpse of Isel's God-given wisdom before she went to be with the Lord. May you be encouraged as we share her words with you.
To hear more on Isel's life, listen to Season 4 Preview Episode Beauty for Ashes and Season 2-Episode 1 on Bible Study as a part of The Church